well, this is actually a tag by
Himitomoki on October 02, 2008
which the rules as follow:
1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. No tags back!!
But as tagging is always that annoying, a genius (yeap, that's me! LoL), decided to change it into "15 Things You Might Not Know About Xeleon", so, no more victims for this tag, but I would like to see you posting a "15 Things You Might Not Know About -- " later on. So please leave your comment before you leave, I will check your blog frequently to see that post. Cheers! (",)
15 Things You Might Not Know About Xeleon
1. I prefer people sitting on my left side rather than sitting on my right.
2. I don't like to have a lot of 'eye contacts' during conversations, especially when I'm shy.
3. I can actually wiggle my right ear. (Yes, i'm very proud of it though it is a quite common phenomenon, bleh!)
4. I am slightly pigeon toed or have
in-toeing, or in case you still don't know, it means walk with my feet curved inwards, in Chinese we call 走路"八"字形. Well, in fact it is inherited from my grandpa, that means my grandpa, my dad, my uncles, my aunties, my cousins, my brother, my sisters, blah blah blah, all are slightly pigeon toed. ^^
p.s. We are all just
S-L-I-G-H-T-L-Y pigeon toed. Not as serious as the picture below. Far away from that. Yes, very far.
p.p.s. Or I should say.. we just walk like the pigeon toeds..
5. I used to put my left foot on my right foot while sitting on a chair or even standing still. (eg. while brushing teeth). Ah, sometimes right on left. Erm.. it's like stepping your own foot on another foot.. err... you got it? Yes, again, my grandpa, my dad, and the list go on have the same phenomenon, or "syndrome" you may call it. I think it has got something to do with inheritance too, but too bad i couldn't find any information on this so far. Maybe it's because of the
pigeon toed which i have mentioned earlier..?
6. About my tongue. According to my mom, my dad took me (and my bro) to cut our tongue (shorter) when we were young. (I don't remember at all, sorry) She told me there was a saying that cutting our tongue shorter will make us cleverer in the future. I remain sceptical.
p.s. This doesn't mean my tongue is very short now, we can compete, if you want, see whose is longer :P )
7. I am a perfectionist. My project mates used to say so, though sometimes I don't really agree with. I mean, sometimes things should not be done just like that only, it's just that... errr... of course something should be done if possible when you know there are still some improvements can be made.. We should strive for the best...shan't we..?
arghh... Anyway, I don't deny I have quite a lot of the syndromes of perfectionism. You want to know? Just google it and you will find a lot of the syndromes..
8. I have never burped in my life. Or I shall say, since i started to understand things.
(Yeap, when I tell you this, I am looking forward to see some comments saying that he or she is just the same, too! So at least I won't feel so odd and lonely. HaH!)
9. I don't take panadol, though I was forced to eat one in my life. (Don't ask me why, I just prefer my own traditional way of recovering, or else, medicince prescribed by the doctor. No Panadol!!
10. I like to set my alarm to 5.03am or 5.07am instead of 5.00am or 5.10am. (Yes, I like prime numbers.) But if there are repeating prime numbers, I prefer 5.34am to 5.33am.
11. I always believe that I have great sixth sense, because they are always that good. (Or you may say I'm just having too much doubt~)
12. I believe that telepathy, or some kind of mind-reading or mental communication, does exist. In fact, I have surprisingly experienced it quite a lot of times, and maybe one day I will discover the secret lies behind it. (",)
13. I often go to church as well as temple, but yet I'm a free thinker. ^^
14. Every night before i sleep, I used to confess my wrong-doing-of-the-day and get advice from the positive side of myself. I haven't named it, but I will call it
The Angel here. (In case you still don't understand, Yes, I speak to myself, in heart, or in mind, or what you may call it, and I answered back to myself)
p.s. This idea was actually inspired by my Standard 5 form teacher.. Ms. Chia... 谢例珊老师
She is a very kind and nice teacher.. Ah, back to topic, Yeap, thx to her, this is indeed a very good idea for self-improving. It's useful, trust me.
p.p.s. The answer must be always positive...!
15. I'm a light sleeper. That means little sound or an environmental change would wake me up easily, and I can't sleep if the environmental noise is not constant like the fan, television, radio, talking, and blah blah blah... (I'm fine with constant noise, anyone who speaks monotonously can talk when I'm sleeping, but please don't stop and continue again, HaH!)
So, how many things you did not know about Xeleon? (",)
Or shall I ask in another way.. How many things (out of it) you knew about Xeleon?
I will treat you a filet-o-fish if you knew more than half of them XD